Rapporten er udgivet af OECD og EUIPO i fællesskab i juni 2017. Rapporten kortlægger kopisternes handelsruter indenfor 10 hovedsektorer, hvor der sker omfattende handel med kopivarer. Tilsammen udgør disse sektorer mere end halvdelen af den estimerede handel med kopivarer på verdensplan.
Rapporten konkluderer bl.a., at handlen med kopivarer sker gennem komplekse handelsruter. Transitpunkterne bruges bl.a. til i) dokumentforfalskning, som camouflerer oprindelseslandet, ii) etablering af distributionscentre og iii) ompakning/nye etiketter.
Se hele rapporten her.
The report was published jointly by OECD and EUIPO in June 2017. The report maps international trade routes in then key counterfeit sectors that make up more than half of the total estimated worldwide trade in fake goods.
The report concludes for example that parties that trade in counterfeit and pirated products tend to ship infringing products via complex routes, with may intermediary points. The transit points are used to i) facilitate falsification of documents in ways that camouflage the original point of departure, ii) establish distribution centres for counterfeit and pirated goods and iii) repackage or re-label goods. Link to the report.