When is it illegal to bring home counterfeit and pirated products?
It is not illegal to bring home counterfeit and pirated products, if they are for private use. However, if the counterfeit and pirated products are for commercial use, it is illegal to bring them into Denmark. It is always an individual assessment whether the products are bought for private or commercial use. In this respect, it is immaterial whether the products are bought within or without the EU. It is also irrelevant if it was legal to produce, market or buy the products in the country where you bought them.
Although it is not illegal to bring home counterfeit or pirated products, there are many good reasons to choose the genuine product instead. Read more here.
What are you allowed to bring home from outside the EU?
The Danish Customs Agency shall detain goods arriving into Denmark from countries outside the EU if they are suspected of being counterfeited or pirated.
For travelers returning to Denmark from a non-EU country by plane or boat, there is an exception, if you in your personal luggage carry counterfeited or pirated goods that you have bought abroad for private use. The exception means that the Danish Customs Agency will not detain the counterfeited of pirated goods, if the following conditions are all met:
- The value of the goods does not exceed 430 € (DKK 3,250). The value is the documented price of the goods.
- If you have arrived from a non-EU country, via another EU country, and from there you have entered Denmark, you must be aware that the value limit is 300 Euro (DKK 2,250).
- The goods must not be for commercial use. In assessing whether the goods are of commercial nature, the Customs Agency may, among other things, emphasize the number of identical / uniform goods and whether the goods appear to be suitable for resale. If the customs authority considers that the goods are for commercial use, the goods can be detained in order to determine whether they are counterfeited or pirated.
This means that if the counterfeited or pirated goods appear as bought for resale, they can be detained even, if the total value does not exceed the value limits mentioned above.
Read more about these rules on ""Have your products been detained by customs?"
What can you bring home from within the EU?
It is legal to buy counterfeit products and bring them home, if they are purchased for private use.
Consumer products purchased in another EU country for private use are not charged customs duties or VAT. This also applies to counterfeit products. More guidance is available on the customs rules on the Danish Customs Agency's website (in Danish).
Special rules apply to medicines purchased abroad
Among the conditions for importing medicines into Denmark the medicine must have been purchased legally. For more information on the import of medicine by private persons, please visit the website of the Danish Medicines Agency. It is a good idea to look into these rules if you want to avoid having your medicine detained by the customs when arriving in Denmark.
Please note that in some countries it is illegal merely to possess a counterfeit product, even if the product was not bought for the purpose of resale. Read more here