Questions and FAQ


Here you can find frequently asked questions and answers on copyright. 

On EUIPO’s webpage you can read the Frequently Asked Questions on copyrights. They inform consumers about what is legal and what is not as far as the usage of copyright and related rights-protected content on the internet is concerned. The FAQs are available in English and in at least one official language of each respective Member State.

FAQs on copyright for consumers
The Frequently Asked Questions on copyright help inform all European consumers about what is legal and what is not when using copyright protected content, such as music or film, on the internet.

E.g. get answers to questions such as: “Am I allowed to use music protected by copyright as a soundtrack for a home video that I made and want to upload on a video platform?” or “Am I infringing copyright if I watch a movie by streaming it instead of downloading it from the internet?”.

FAQs on copyright for teachers
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on copyright for teachers helps teachers and students in the EU to find information on using copyright protected content in the context of education and training, particularly online. It also informs teachers and students on the opportunities copyright protection can have for them as potential creators of works within the context of education.

E.g. get answers to questions such as: “Can teachers take photocopies or scan pages from books or newspapers for their students?” or “Under which conditions can teachers display movies in class or at school in general?”.

  • Did you know?

    The trade in counterfeit goods results in huge income losses for the innovative companies - and approx. 5000 lost jobs in Denmark a year

    Read more

  • Did you know?

    Trade in counterfeit goods accounts for up to 2.5% of world trade or USD 464 billion?

    Read more


Did you find the answer to your question about fakes? If not, there could be help elsewhere.

The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority
At the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority's website (in Danish) there is plenty of information and good advice. Here you can also seek answers to your question about counterfeit or pirated products.

At ”Nethandel #heltsikkert” (in Danish), you can read more about how to shop safely online.

Hotline on Enforcement and Counterfeiting
You can also contact “Hotline on Enforcement and Counterfeiting" at the Danish Patent and Trademark Office. Here you can get information and guidance in relation to fighting counterfeiting and piracy. The Hotline can be contacted by phone (+45 22 60 56 87) on weekdays between 9.30 am and 11.30 am.  The hotline can also be contacted by e-mail to;


How can you typically spot if a website sells counterfeit or pirated products?